martes, 2 de julio de 2013

TRAVEL - NIAGARA FALLS - Viaje - Las cataratas del Niágara

Hi my dear friends, I'm back again.  A lot of work and no time to write but I'm already with you.
Today it's a travel suggestion what I'm going to write about.

Hola mis queridos amigos.  Mucho trabajo y nada de tiempo para escribir pero ya estoy  con vosotros.
Hoy  voy a escribir  sobre una sugerencia de VIAJE.

When I was there some years ago I got shocked because of the beauty and wonder of this place: NIAGARA FALLS!

Cuando estuve allí hace unos años me quedé impresionada por la belleza y la maravilla de este lugar: LAS CATARATAS DEL NIÁGARA.

I recommend you to go and experience the same sensation !
Os recomiendo que vayáis y experimentéis la misma sensación.

So I'd like  to  give you some information and show you around this marvellous place!
Así que me gustaría proporcionaros información y mostraros este maravilloso lugar.

Photos: by my own.


Niagara Falls are on the  border  between USA (New York State)  and Canada (Ontario).  Every minute, 140,000 cubic metres of water go over these waterfalls.  The water comes from the Lake Erie in USA (the Great Lakes area) and there are three falls:

**HORSESHOE FALLS, in Canada. (the most powerful)
**BRIDAL VEIL FALLS on the US side too. (the smallest but the most beautiful)

These waterfalls have got the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world!


People have tried to ride the Falls in barrels, inner tubes (cámaras de neumáticos), on jetskis (motos de agua) etc   but this is an extremely dangerous activity!

In 1960 a young boy survived a descent over the Falls after a boating accident. The boy was only seven years old and was wearing a lifejacket (chaleco salvavidas).  It is supposed that a "water cone" saved him by forming to cushion (amortiguar) his fall.

Every year, the Falls are used by people to suicide!  It is impossible for  the Police to access the place!.

However, the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel was ANNIE TAYLOR a school teacher from Michigan.  It was in 1901 and to celebrate her 63rd birthday, wearing a SKIRT!
She had to test the barrel first, so she sent her cat over the Falls.  Cats have 7 lives !  Nevertheless, the cat didn't travel with her on the big day!

STUNTERS (especialistas)

There are plenty of daredevils (temerarios) that sometimes survive but sometimes don't!
A stuntman called Nik Wallenda, 33 years old,  crossed the Falls on a tightrope (cuerda floja) .  It was dark, windy and it was raining.  
He set a world record.  He crossed over 60 metres above the water in half an hour!
The ABC TV insisted on securing him by a rope against Wallenda's wishes.


**From the Canadian side you can appreciate the enormous  power of the Falls . They have constructed Casinos, restaurants, bars etc on their side. A lot to offer!

**Americans have created  nice parkland to enjoy the Falls.  They have a lot to offer too!

**You have to walk across the border to experience both!


*This is the name of a pleasure boat tha shows travellers the Falls in all its glory.

*The Maid of the Mist loads passengers about a kilometre downriver of the Falls.  The trip is about half an hour and the boat gets into some rough (agitadas) waters in front of the American Falls.  There you will find a  little bit of mist but when the boat arrives at the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the river, there is a lot of turbulence and the spray (espuma) is really heavy and it's difficult to breathe!  Finally you become completely wet!

*People don't realise how big the Falls are until they are looking up at it instead of standing at the top,. looking down!

*The thing that fascinates people is not so much the height but the width (anchura) and the volume of water that comes from a lake!

* Niagara Falls are in the heartland (corazón, centro) of North America and it isn't expected to see this natural wonder in the middle of a city!
There isn't any run-off (escapada - de agua) from the mountains or glaciers!

*Niagara Falls are near  the cities of Toronto (Canada) and Buffalo (USA) so there are couples who get married there as passengers aboard the Maid of the Mist!

*Casual weddings, second marriages, people renewing their vows (votos).  All these situations can be found on the Maid of the Mist!



**The much-recommended MAID OF THE MIST  boat and it runs from April to October.  You can walk in tunnels behind the Falls all year round

Don't miss the opportunity to experience one of the seven wonders of the world! NIAGARA FALLS!  

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