martes, 6 de febrero de 2018

TRINITY ISE III PRACTICE TESTS / Exámenes Trinity ISE III - Nivel C1.- Advanced.

Hi my dear friends, today we are going to show you  one of the the Trinity ISE III tests, the MULTI-TEXT reading. It is a C1 level (advanced)

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a enseñaros uno de los exámenes correspondientes al Trinity ISE III, concretamente, el Multi Text reading. Es un nivel C1 (advanced) 

The whole reading and writing Trinity ISE III  C1 consists of:


* Task 1 - Long Reading (20 minutes)
* Task 2 - Multi-Text reading (20 minutes)
* Task 3 - Reading into Writing (40 minutes)
* Task 4 - Extended Writing (40 minutes)

Here you can see Task 2 - Multi-Text reading.

Questions 16-20
Read questions 16-20 first and then read texts A,B,C and D below the questions. As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose one letter A,B,C or D and write it on the lines below. You can use any letter more than once.

Which text:

16 gives details of how rapidly mobile phone photography has grown?  ___
17 gives an example of the changing role of media photographers? ___
18 explains the need to understand the equipment you are using? ___
19 explores the idea of the financial worth of particular image taken on a  mobile phone? ___
20 expresses the view that traditional photographers may need to change their ideas? ___


Professional photographers are becoming alarmed at the rise in popularity of photographs taken on mobile phones. An extreme view is that although phtotography is more popular than it ever was, with more people doing photography courses, the idea of photography as an art form is bein destroyed. Others think that what might be happening is simply that photography is moving on.

Photographers can no longer make large sums of money photographing events like weddings. We can photograph events like these ourselves, even if the results may not be as impressive as hiring an expensive prhotographer. And photo-journalism often face fierce competition from people who just happen to be passing a dramatic event takes place. These mobile phone photos taken by amateurs can capture the immediacy of the event.

Photographers as artists are also suffering grom people using apps that can enhance even the dullest of their shots. Admittedly, some of the results of this technique are pretty awful, but some mobile phone photos do have a great deal of artistic merit. The new mobile photography awards have produced some memorable images.

Perhaps what's actually happening is that photography is becoming more democratic and less exclussive, which could be seen as a positive development. In response, photographers may need to undergo a shift in attitude.
Pete Morgan.

Tips on taking effective photos on your phone.

Cameras on our phones are becoming more sophisticated all the time. It's possible that soon they will be able to produce photos to equal those of even the most expensive cameras. In the meantime, though, it's not enough just to use an app to enhance photos later. You need to control how your photo looks at the time when you're taking it.

1. Make sure you know how to control the focus and light exposure. You should use the camera software like it's second nature, so that you don't have to stop and thinks about it. You don't want to miss an event or the chance of a great shot while you're fidding with buttons.
2. Learn the basics of picture composition. This may sound boring, but it's vital, and it will make all the difference to your photos. You can find lots of advice about this online.
3. Do what photographers call "working the scene". Don't just take one shot, but try it from different angles or different distances. After all, the great advantage of digital photos is that you can delete any that don't work out as you intended.

Try following these tips and you could produce some really great images with your phone camera.


Jen: The rise of the mobile phone camera has definitely affected me professionally. I find that nowadays I'm having to work harder to persuade people to use my services.

Carl: What makes a huge difference for me is the fact that nowadays any image can be reproduced endlessly. It means that individual photos are losing their value. But people's everyday snapshots can hardly be called art, can they?

Jen: My most popular shot recently was one that I took on my mbile phone and shared on social media. It's had thousands of viewings so far. Imagine if someone liked it and bought it without knowing how it was taken. Would they think it was less valuable if they discovered later that it had been taken on my mobile phone?

Carl: Yes, maybe they would. It's certainly an interesting thought, isn't it? But surely the value of a photo should be for what it is, not the method used to take it.


The rise of the camera phone

*1990: 58 billion photos taken; 100% on traditional cameras. 2011: 380 billion photos taken; 1% on traditional cameras.

*Over 5 billion phones with cameras are in use.
*70% of all social media activity is based on photos.

*Only 1% of photos today are on film.
*Sales of all cameras fell by 45% between 2012 and 2014.

*1826: first photo taken.  By 2022: a predicted 7 trillion + photos.

Questions 21-15. Choose the five statements from A-H below that are TRUE according to the infomation given in the texts above. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any order).

21 ___  A People are less willing to pay for photographs of special occasions by professionals.
22 ___  B Mobile phones are already producing photos of the same quality as the best cameras.
23 ___  C Camera sales are reported to have fallen by around a half in a two-year period.
24 ___  D Using an app to improve photos cannot make up for having some photographic skill.
25 ___  E People entering photography competitions have taken great photos using phones.
             F Carl believes that the main problem is the ease of copying pictures these days.
             G Journalists are finding that the use of mobile phones helps them to photograph dramatic                       events.
             H Pete Morgan thinks photos taken on mobile phones are all of similar quality.

Questions 26-30.  The summary notes below contain information from the texts. Find a number, word or phrase (maximum three words) from texts A,B,C or D to complete the missing information in gaps 26-30. Write your answers on the lines below.

Summary notes

Some facts
* 1826 - first photo taken. In 2022 over 7 trillion predicted.
* Over 5 billion people use camera phones.
* Photos represent over half of all (26) _________________________.

What photographers fear
* Photography as a form of art is being destroyed.
* Passers-by with cameras are (27) __________________for photo journalists.
* Apps available to (28) ___________________very boring photos.
* Value of photographs as works of art in question.

The Upsides
* People on the street (29) _________________of something happening at that moment.
* The quality of mobile phone photos is surprising -they can have a lot of (30)_______________.
* More people taking up creative photography.
* People are learning hot to take great photos.



16 D  /  17 A  /  18B  /  19 C  /  20 A
21 A  /  22 C  /  23 D  /  24 E  /  25 F
26 social media activity
27 (fierce) competition
28 enhance
29 capture the immediacy
30 artistic merit


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