Hi again my dear friends, I'm going to talk about "The Weather". Look at these vocabulary words and expressions. They're going to be useful to you!
Hola otra vez queridos amigos, voy a hablar del "Tiempo". Mirad estas palabras y expresiones. Van a seros útiles.
The weather is a topic(tema) that all English people are supposed to be experts on. We start with a number of conversational lines, so that you too can join in those fun discussions about meteorological conditions with your English and American friends!
WHEN IT IS A SUNNY DAY (cuando el día es soleado)
*Nice weather we are having!
¡Estamos teniendo buen tiempo!
*Lovely day, isn't it?
Un dia encantador, ¿verdad?
WHEN IT IS REALLY HOT, PERHAPS UNBEARABLY HOT (cuando hace realmente calor, quizás un calor insoportable).
*We are having a real scorcher of a summer!
¡Estamos teniendo un auténtico verano abrasador!
*Phew! What a roaster!
¡Uf! ¡Qué achicharramiento!
WHEN THE HEAT COMES WITH HIGH HUMIDITY LEVELS (cuando el calor viene con altos grados de humedad)
*How I hate this sultry weather!
¡Cómo odio este tiempo bochornoso!
*It's so muggy that I can hardly breathe!
¡Está tan cargado que apenas puedo respirar!
IN AUTUMN OR WINTER (en otoño o invierno)
*A bit chilly, isn't it?
¡Un poco fresco! ¿verdad?
*How cold!
¡Qué frío!
* It's frizzing!
¡Está helando!
Given the English climate, it's natural that we have many ways of describing the rain.
Dado el clima inglés, es natural que tengamos muchas formas de describir la lluvia.
*Let's go out. It's just drizzling.
Vámonos. Está lloviznando.
*It's just a shower. It will stop in a minute.
Es sólo un chaparrón. Parará en un minuto.
*It's raining cats and dogs!
¡Está lloviendo a cantaros!
*It's teeming down!
¡Está diluviando!
*It's raining buckets!
¡Está jarreando!
It is often said that England doesn't have a climate; it has weather. This is because the weather changes so often that all the seasons sometimes seem to take place in a single day! Not surprisingly, it is something of an obsession for the people who live on the island, and you can notice references to weather in everyday speech, in proverbs and sayings, in literature and in folklore.
THE WEATHER FORECAST (el pronóstico del tiempo)
In many parts in the English-speaking world, listening to the weather forescast before deciding what to do with your day is essential, especially if you're on holiday and are planning a picnic or a swim in the lake! And yet (sin embargo), in spite of (a pesar de) the increasingly sophisticated instrumentation used to forescast the weather -including specially equipped satellites- some people still say that in the UK the best thing is to listen to the radio or TV forecast and then do everything the weatherman advised you not to do.
So, if the forecast says that it will be rainy, you should go out and set off for a long walk across the moors (páramos).
*WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE? ¿Qué tiempo hace?
*SUN: sol *SUNNY: soleado
*RAIN: lluvia. *RAINY: lluvioso
*STORM: tormenta
*HEAT: calor. HOT: caluroso.
*SHOWER: chaparrón.
*SLEET: aguanieve.
*CLOUDS: nubes *CLOUDY: nublado.
*SNOW: nieve.
*THUNDER: trueno.
*FOG: niebla.
*DRIZZLE: llovizna
*WIND: viento.
*DRY: seco.
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