jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

WALK TO TALK / FUTURE SHOCK/ -Andar para hablar / Futuro chocante.

Hi my dear friends, from time to time it's "curious" to see schoking news  cause some of them seem unreal and in many occasions we can't believe them  but the ones we're going to see now, are absolutely real, for sure!

Hola mis queridos amigos, de vez en cuando es "curioso" ver noticias chocantes porque algunas de ellas parecen irreales y en muchas ocasiones no podemos creerlas  pero las que vamos a ver ahora, son absolutamente reales, os lo aseguro.

From:  Speak Up magazine.


Recharge your batteries and keep fit at the same time!
SolePower, invented by Hahna Alexander and Matt Stanton of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, USA, converts the energy of heel strikes into electricity.
Walk 7 km and your iPhone should be fully recharged!


Our scratched cars, old bridges or chipped nail polish could fix their defects  on their own one day.
Scott White (University of Illinois)  is working on "polymers", materials that can actually renew themselves.


The latest in technololy can turn an entire room into an interactive video game.
RoomAlive by Microsoft , uses cameras and projectors to create the illusion of insects crawling on your walls or that your rug is a river.


Research into how to live longer also attracts great interest.
One controversial theory claims that eating less calories helps you live longer.
In a long-term test performed on 80 monkeys, those that could eat what they liked lived half as long as those "on a diet".
How conlusive these findings are in terms of humans, however, is up for debate!!!


We read many reports concerning the negative effects of an aging society, with rising costs for health and pensions, and a lower labour force providing less income tax.
Now, finally, scientists are clocking on to the positive effects of an older population!

As kids become adults and start working, their carbon footprint shoots up.  Yet after they retire,  it plummets, with older folk travelling less and preferring healthier ways of getting around.

An extensive study conducted in Germany has predicted that CO2  emissions may sink as low as 1950 standards by 2100,  as its population ages.



-TO AGE:  envejecer.
-RISING:  creciente.
-INCOME TAX:  impuesto sobre la renta.
-TO CLOCK ON TO:  darse cuenta.
-CARBON FOOTPRINT:  impacto ambiental.
-TO SHOOT UP:  dispararse.
-TO PLUMMET:  desplomarse.
-TO CRAWL:  trepar.
-RUG: alfombra.
-SCRATCHED:  rayado.
-CHIPPED:  descascarillado.
-HEEL STRIKE:  apoyar el talón.



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