martes, 28 de junio de 2011

EASY ENGLISH/CINEMA/AGEING STARS (Inglés fácil/cine/estrellas que se hacen mayores.

Good morning my friends, today I'm going to continue with a bit more of cinema stars.
Buenos días amigos, hoy voy a continuar con un poco más de estrellas de cine.

Grandes a los 50

Some of the biggest stars in entertainment are more than fifty.  Among them the singer Madonna,  and actors Michelle Pfeiffer and Sharon Stone.
But how are they reacting to ageing: with botox and plastic surgery (cirugía), or a wrinkled smile and a glass of wine?

Madonna has said that she wouldn't tell anyone if she decided on a little surgery.  Well, the wrinkles (arrugas) around her eyes and mouth have suddenly disappeared and the newspapers want to know the truth.  Recent photographs cruelly compare her youthful face and severely wrinkled hands.  What does the future hold for her? She says:  "I have the same goal (meta)  I had when I was a little girl.  I want to rule (gobernar) the world".

Michelle Pfeiffer interrupted her acting career in order to bring up (criar) her children, but now they are older and she has returned.  Pfeiffer looks fantastic, even with minimal make-up.  How does she do it? "Plastic surgery can't stop getting older (envejecer)", she says.  "Eat well and exercise (hacer ejercicio) and get lots of sleep, but indulge occasionally (date un gustazo de vez en cuando).  At my age I think, what the hell (qué mas da), and eat a sticky doughnut (cómete un donut pegajoso).

Sharon Stone adopted her three young sons in her forties (a los cuarenta) .  Perhaps she thought she'd have time on her hands (tiempo libre) after the bad reviews (malas críticas) for Basic Instinct 2.  If so, she must be disappointed.  Dior chose her to promote their Capture Totale skin range (línea de belleza) for one good reason:  she's still an incredibly beautiful woman.  But has she gone under the surgeon's knife(bisturí del cirujano)?  "No, I haven't and I won't in the future. I'm not afraid of ageing.  I stopped being afraid of life a long time ago"
Stone almost died in 2001 when she suffered a brain haemorrhage and needed emergency surgery.

*Andie MacDowell
*Annette Bening
*Tim Robbins
*Jamie Lee Curtis
*Alec Baldwin
*Holly Hunter

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