miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today we are going to look at books, books for children and their authors because reading is magic, fantastic. However, children and teenagers read less and less nowadays  and it's a pity because EVERYTHING IS IN OUR BOOKS!

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a mirar a los libros, a los libros para niños y sus autores porque leer es mágico, fantástico.  Sin embargo, los niños y adolescentes leen cada vez menos hoy en día y es una pena porque  ¡TODO ESTÁ EN LOS LIBROS!

Info: from Speak Up magazine.
Photos: muyinteresante.es / amazon.es  /  freepik.es  /  elmundo.es


What do a teacher, a journalist, an artist, a pilot and a mathematics professor have in common?  They all became famous British children's writers.


The teacher was Enid Blyton and she started writing in her free time. Her stories were often  about a group of children, and a dog, who visit a different part of the country in each book and have an adventure or solve a mystery. The Famous Five, and The Secret Seven. She wrote at least six thousand words a day and published over six hundred books in her life.


The journalist A.A. Milne became famous for writing just two books, the first called Winnie-the-Pooh.  There was only one child in his stories, who was actually based on his son, Cristopher Robin, before he went to school. The other "people" were either animals or toys.


Artist Beatrix Potter wrote her books about the animals she saw near her country home and also drew all the pictures for the stories. She gave the animals names, and with the first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, she had the idea of selling a doll and a game too.  Earlier this year, they released a computer-animated comedy film based on these well-loved stories!


Roal Dahl wrote about his adventures as a pilot, but his most popular stories happen to a boy or girl who meets horrible children and adults, or strange animals. Dahl often gave his characters funny names, like Augustus Gloop or Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Bunce and Bean in Fantastic Mr. Fox or Miss Trunchbull in Matilda.


But the maths professor wrote the strangest stories of all. Lewis Caroll's two books are about a girl called Alice who meets unusual animals and people in a dream world. Adults enjoy the books as much as children, perhaps because Carroll loved to play with the meanings of words. An original copy of the first book sold for $1.5 million a century after it was first published.


-JOURNALIST: periodista.
-SOLVE A MYSTERY: resolver un misterio.
-AT LEAST: al menos.
-TALE: cuento.
-WELL-LOVED:  muy querido.
-DREAM WORLD: mundo de ensueño.
-ENJOY:  disfrutar.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today, a reading about a "life story"whose title is "My husband didn't meet our daughter until she was 27".  Life in many occassions is really hard and we don't understand why!  I hope you'lle like it!

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy, una lectura sobre "una historia de vida" cuyo título es "Mi marido no conoció a nuestra hija hasta que ella tenía 27 años". La vida en muchas ocasiones es realmente dura y no entendemos por qué.  ¡Espero que os guste!

From: Speak Up magazine.
Photos: fr.wikipedia.org  /  my own photos.

By Ann Lovato.

I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. One night when I was barely 16, I was at the rollerskating rink when I saw this shy country music boy standing alone. I was an outgoing punk girl and asked him to skate. By the end of the night, we were out the back, making out.


Scott was 18, and within a couple of months we'd moved into an apartment with a friend of mine from school, Jennifer, and her boyfriend. Our only income was from Scott's carpet-cleaning job, but it felt great being in love. We didn't think much about birth control, and soon enough I thought I might be pregnant.  We were excited and talked about marriage. But the other two fought all the time, so I decided to move back home. One day I went to the apartment and nobody answered the door. It wasn't locked, so I walked in and found it empty. I was so confused!


I tried to find out what was going on, but couldn't trace anyone. Eventually, Jennifer called my mum's house; se said she and her boyfriend didn't have any money, so had gone their separate ways. Then she added that Scott had told her he didn't want anything to do with me or the baby, that he'd moved to another town and  never wanted to see me again. I was crushed. I thought he loved me. How could his feelings change so quickly?

I searched for him but no one could help. I knew he didn't know how to contact me, either. It sounds crazy to say that now, but his was the early 1980s; there were no mobile phones or internet, and we didn't know each other¡s families.


I was scared, but chose to have the baby. My daughter, Holly and I lived with my mum while I finished high school and went to college. As Holly grew up, even when I was struggling, I was not angry with Scott; it was my choice to have her and give her the best life I could, and I knew I was good at that. I made sure she had no animosity towards her father. I had another relationships, and two other children, but never met anyone I wanted to be with forever. I thought I'd never get married and I was happy with that.


Then, six years ago, when Holly was 27 and her own son was born, she decided she wanted to find Scott. I'd made previous attempts to look for him that never came to anything, but now tracing people had become so much easier. We found Scott on Facebook. I messaged him saying Holly wanted to meet him. I didn't expect a response, but a few days later he replied with a friendly message, saying he wanted to meet her, too.  I was so relieved, but also nervous about talking to him. When we spoke on the phone, he sounded exactly the same. We talked for four hours; sometimes you don't even know you've missed someone. He said he'd been married three times, had four children and was now single.


He came up from Colorado to see us. He walked into the house and I was sitting there with our grandson. He said: "You look exactly the same."  We hugged and I said: "You smell exactly the same," which made everyone laugh.  He asked me to go to a movie the next night. We didn't call it a date, but he came back to mine and we kissed. That connection was still there.

When Scott and I talked things over, it all made sense.  Jennifer had told him the same story:  that I never wanted to see him again, never loved him and had used him to get pregnant.  

We don't know why she did it;  she obviously wasn't in a good place herself. I have never felt anger towards Scott -we've both had things going on in the years in between. He was homeless after leaving the apartment, and battled with drug addiction, but turned his life around. The thing is, Scott and I have the rest of our lives together now; I'm nearly 50 and he's 52. We have a daughter and adorable grand-kids. Holly is happy, because she can finally say: "Here are my parents"
We got married three years ago.



-SHY: tímido.
-OUTGOING: extrovertido.
-TO MAKE OUT: enrollarse.
-INCOME: ingresos.
-CRUSHED: destrozado.
-TO STRUGGLE: luchar.
-TO HUG: abrazar.
-DATE: cita.
-HE CAME BACK TO MINE: volvimos a mi casa.
-WAS'T IN A GOOD PLACE HERSELF: no estaba muy bien.
-TURNED HIS LIFE AROUND: cambió de vida.




miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today we're going to look at a famous and superstar American actor, Tom Cruise. We will see something about his life and his career. I hope you'll like it! I love Tom Cruise, by the way!

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a mirar hacia un famoso  actor americano, Tom Cruise. Veremos algo sobre su vida y su carrera. ¡Espero que os guste! Por cierto, ¡a mi me encanta Tom Cruise!

Information: from Speak Up magazine.
Photos: www.abc.es  /  www.europapress.es  /  www.mirror.co.uk  / cinema93.org  / theundergroundmovement.org


Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise has the reputation of being eccentric but he is also a brilliant actor and, his colleagues say, an extremely nice man!  Looking at his early life offers a clue as  to these contradictory qualities.  Cruise was born in 1962 and grew up in near poverty in the US and Canada. He had a Catholic upbringing but his father was violent.  He excelled in sport, but was noted for his rebellious behaviour, something that could be attributed to his struggles with dislexya, and he attended fifteen schools in fourteen years. His mother finally left his father and took her four children to Ohio, where Cruise considered joining the priesthood.


Then Tom Cruise discovered acting. In 1981, he was lucky enough to land a small part in the Franco Zefirelli movie "Endless Love" and the same year in a supporting role American military drama film "Taps".
This set him within a group of young actors who would become prominent in coming-of-age movies of the period.  He was among the cast of "The Outsiders" in 1983, directed by Francis Ford Coppola and, the same year, given the lead in "Risky Business", one of the quintessential teen movies of the 1980s.  In 1986's "Top Gun" Cruise shot the stardom in this story of heroism and love.


Cruise could have continued playing tough guys, but subsequent future parts offered a twist on this stereotype. Notable was his role as the self-centred Charlie Babbit in "Rain Man" (1988).  The following year Cruise was nominated for an Oscar for his lead in "Born on the Fourth of July" based on the 1976 autobiography by a Vietnam veteran.
Most interestingly, although romance and comedy do not seem to suit Cruise, his best performance came in "Jerry Maguire" (1996), in which he plays a slick sports agent in need of emotional support.


Cruise's most successful movies to date are, action films; with series of "Mission Impossible" movies (1996-2018) receiving critical adoration and box office success. Cruise excels in the lead role as Ethan Hunt -and still insists on doing his own stunts! Last year's Mission Impossible - Fallout received the best critical approval of Cruise's career.  Cruise also played the eponymous role in two Jack Reacher films (2012-2016), although he will not star in the forthcoming TV series; creator Lee Child is looking for a physically bigger actor.


While it is generally accepted that Cruise is bankable in any role he plays, some directors have complained of feeling "forced" to cast him for that reason. According to a friend of Stanley Kubrick, the director considered "Eyes Wide Shut" as "a piece of shit" that had been ruined by the interefence of its superstars!  The 1990 film also starred Nicle Kidman, with whom Cruise was married at the time.


Cruise's relationships have attracted a lot of attention.  He has been married three times, firstly to Mimi Rogers, who is credited with introducing Cruise to the Church of Scientology.
Today, Cruise is one of this controversial belief system's most high-profile proponents. Former partner Katie Holmes claimed that she ended their marriage to protect their daughter Suri, from what some people regard as a dangerous cult.


Scientology scandals aside, Cruise continues to make a huge success of his career with action-packed performances in thrillers such as "Minority Report" (2002) and "Collateral" (2004), in science fiction films sushc as "Edge of Tomorrow" (2014), and in crime storuies such as "American Made" (2017). Who can say the heights to which the forthcoming "Top Gun" film will soar!


Based on the stranger-than-fiction real-life story of Barry Seal, the American airline pilot who, in the 1990s, was caught smuggling drugs for a major drug cartel, American Made is an entertaining crime thriller starring Hollywood maverick Tom Cruise in the leading role.

When Seal, a bored airline pilot, is approached by the CIA to undertake an exciting yet relatively safe spying mission, he is easily persuaded. However, he is then pushed further by his shady government contact into more risky activities. Seal becomes caught between different fronts, finding himself gun-running, money-laundering and carrying drugs in his plane to the US for Colombia's Medellin Cartel (under drug lord Pablo Escobar) and shipping guns to Nicaragua's anti-communist rebels ·the Contras" for the CIA!
This cannot end well for Seal...


-CLUE:  pista.
-UPBRINGING: educación.
-TO EXCELL: destacar.
-TO BE NOTED: ser conocido.
-STRUGGLES: dificultades.
-PRIESTHOOD: sacerdocio.
-TAPS: toque de corneta.
-COMING-OF-AGE:  de formación.
-CAST: reparto.
-LEAD: papel principal.
-QUINTESSENTIAl: prototípica.
-STARDOM: fama, estrellato.
-TOUGH GUYS: tipos duros.
-SELF-CENTRED:  egoísta.
-SLICK: hábil.
-BOX OFFICE:  taquilla.
-STUNTS: escenas de riesgo.
-EPONYMOUS: homónimo.
-BANKABLE;  rentable.
-TO SOAR: elevarse.
-TO SMUGGLE: hacer contrabando.
-MAVERICK:  inconformista.
-TO RUN GUNS:  traficar con armas.
-TO LAUNDER MONEY: blanquear dinero.
-TO SHIP:  enviar.




viernes, 7 de junio de 2019


Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a cocinar un poquito, eso sí, de una manera fácil, sana y muy muy rica. Espero que hagáis estas dos recetas y que además ¡os gusten!

Info: Cocina sana por Sergio Fernández.
Fotos: canalcocina.es  /  divinacocina.es


Receta para 4 personas con dificultad Baja.


*700 gr de patatas hervidas con piel.
*200 gr de gambas (pueden ser congeladas)
*2 tomates.
*1 kg de mejillones.
*1 cebolleta.
*5 cucharadas de aceite de oliva.
*2 cucharadas de vinagre.

Cortad las patatas en cuartos (manteniendo la piel el que quiera). Coced las gambas unos 3 minutos en agua salada. Haced los mejillones al vapor durante 3 o 4 minutos. Una vez cocidos, retirad las valvas.

Lavad los tomates. Limpiad la cebolleta (si no os gusta, la quitáis) y picad ambos en trocitos pequeños. Si queréis, también podéis poner pimiento verde a esta ensalada o pimiento rojo asado. Y si la queremos enriquecer aún más, podemos añadir atún en aceite o escabeche y un huevo cocido.

Ahora, haremos la vinagreta.  Mezclamos en un bol el aceite, el vinagre y una pizca de sal y los batimos bien. Y ya tenemos nuestra vinagreta para aliñar ensaladas o lo que queramos.

Seguidamente, en una fuente vamos colocando los trozos de patata y los mezclamos con el resto de los ingredientes que aliñaremos con nuestra vinagreta.

¡Y ya está lista nuestra Ensalada de Patata, mejillones y gambas!  ¡Que aproveche!



Receta para 4 personas de dificultad Baja.


*4 filetes de salmón fresco de unos 170 gr cada uno.
*El zumo de 1 limón.
*150 gr de aceitunas verdes sin hueso.
*2 yogures naturales.
*50 gr de tomates cherry o de ensalada.
*50 gr de hojas de ensalada variada.
*Aceite de oliva.
*1 ramita de perejil.
*Sal y pimienta (al que le guste)

Primero vamos a elaborar la salsa de yogur. Ponemos en un bol los dos yogures a los que añadiremos las aceitunas escurridas y cortadas en rodajas, el zumo del limón, la sal y la pimienta.

Seguidamente, cocinaremos el salmón eliminando la piel y retirando las posibles espinas que pudiera tener. Lo lavamos, lo secamos y lo cocinamos al vapor unos 8 minutos con sal y pimienta.

Para acompañar nuestro salmón, vamos a hacer una ensalada con las hojas de lechuga variada, los tomates cherry (o de ensalada) y unas cuantas aceitunas más.

Para finalizar, pondremos en una fuente nuestro salmón con la salsa de yogur, bien por encima o bien en una salsera aparte. Espolvoreamos con perejil picado y unas aceitunas cortadas en trocitos pequeños para decorar. En la misma fuente colocaremos nuestra ensalada o bien en una ensaladera aparte.

¡Que aproveche! 

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today we are going to visit a marvellous place, NEWFOUNDLAND in Canada, the Icebergs' Island! Fjords, icebergs, awesome landscapes... a remote land on the Atlantic Coast of Canada which is a perfect place for those who love Nature in its wild way!  Let's go to Newfoundland!

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a visitar un lugar maravilloso, NEWFOUNDLAND en Canadá, ¡la Isla de los Icebergs! Fiordos, icebergs, paisajes impresionantes... una tierra remota en la Costa Atlántica de Canadá que es un sitio perfecto para aquellos que aman la Naturaleza en su forma más salvaje. ¡Vamos a Newfoundland!

Info: From Speak Up magazine.
Photos: todocanada.ca  /  world.atlas.com  /  grwwnspond.wikipedia  /  thecanadianencyclopedia.ca  / alamy.es  /  eleconomista.es  /  theicebergfestival.ca


Known as "The Rock", Newfoundland is a Canadian Island on the Atlantic Ocean.  The island was part of the British empire until 1949, when it joined Canada.  That's the reason why its inhabitants have a British accent!


St. Johns, its lively and colourful capital, is the oldest English-founded settlement and the oldest city in Canada.  Founded in 1604, the city was named Saint John after the day the settlers arrived, on 24th June.  A century later, the town was captured and burned by the French, and one year later reoccupied by the British.


Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the area was populated by the Beothuk, aboriginal hunter-gatherers.  Its population dramatically declined due to diseases brought by the Europeans and they disappeared at the beginning of the 19th century.  Despite their extinction, their legacy is still alive in Newfoundland, as is the island's Viking culture.  In the region you can visit a Beothuk site and a Norse settlement with archaeological remains, and experience what Beothuk and Viking life was like.


Visitors shoud not miss Gros Morne National Park, named after the highest mountain on the island.  It is just eight hundred meters high, but from its peak one can admire some of the island's fjords as well as the Pissing Mare Falls, the highest falls in eastern North America.  The island also boasts some of the largest seabird colonies in the world and more than twenty whale species, among other sea animals.


Newfoundland's economy is based on the fishing industry.  Icebergs also play an important role, because besides attracting a lot of tourists, these huge mountains of freshwater ice are also used to produce drinks like Iceberg Vodka or Iceberg Beer.


Newfoundland was also the scene of a great tragedy and the starting point of a great feat.  In 1912, the luxury ship TITANIC collided with an iceberg just four hundred miles south of Newfounland.  Twenty years later, the American pilot pioneer Amelia Earhart flew from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, to Northern Ireland, becoming the first woman to cross the Atlantic by plane.  Her solo, non-stop flight across the  ocean took fifteen hours.


-LIVELY: animada.
-SETTLEMENT:  asentamiento.
-TO NAME AFTER: llamado en honor de.
-PRIOR TO:  antes de.
-LEGACY: legado.
-SITE: yacimiento.
-TO BOAST: presumir.
-BESIDES:  además de.
-FRESHWATER:  agua dulce.
-FEAT:  hito.


martes, 23 de abril de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today we are going to speak about "pizza" but in the American way. We will see the origins of this  famous Italian food in US which has spread all over the world! Do you come with me? 

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a hablar de la "pizza" pero al estilo americano. Veremos los orígenes de esta famosa comida italiana en Estados Unidos  que se ha extendido por todo el mundo. ¿Venís conmigo?

Info:  Speak Up magazine.
Photos: mundococina.es  / pizzarecipe.org  /  10best.com  /  theculturetrip.com  /  washingtonpost.com  /  midwestliving.com / whitebearlakemag.com


If you walk through New York today and see all of the places selling pizza, you will probably think that pizza is a quintessential American food. But in fact, American pizza is a relatively new phenomenon.


It all started with  Italian migrants who came to America in the 1800s and brought their homemade pizza recipes with them. For years, pizza was something that Italian families ate in their homes. Then, in the early 1900s, pizza restaurants began opening in urban areas on the east coast where a lot of Italian immigrants lived;  LOMBARDI'S, the first pizzeria in the US, opened in New York City in 1905 and is still open today!


It was after World War II that pizza became popular with people of all ethnicities and incomes,  American soldiers returning to the US wanted to eat the delicious pizza they'd had in Europe, and so pizzerias began opening all over the country.  The first restaurants were independent, but in the 1950s, chains of pizza restaurants began to emerge.,


Today, the American pizza industry is valued at about $37 billion and is dominated by pizza chains like PIZZA HUT, DOMINO'S and PAPA JOHN'S.  In fact, Domino's Pizza, which opened in Michigan in 1960, is the biggest seller of pizza in the world, with more than fifteen thousand pizzerias globally.



Developed in New York City by immigrants from Naples, this style of pizza is normally very big and has a thin and flexible crust that is thick and crispy at the edges. It is topped wit tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, and sold by the slice, to go.

In the US, pizzas are also called "pies". This style of pizza was developed in New Jersey, as the name suggests. It is a style of "upside-down" pizza;  the mozzarella and toppings are placed on the crust first, with the tomato sauce on top. This stops the sauce from making the crust soggy.

This is California's take on the New York-style pizza. It has the same thin crust but is topped with ingredients that are popular on the west coast, like artichoke hearts and goat cheese.

The Quad Cities is a region of five cities in northwest Illinois and southeast Iowa. They have made famous this style of pizza, which has a thin crust, topped with a zesty sauce and Italian sausage. It is cut into strips, ot slices.

Also called "deep dish", this pizza has a deep crust and the dough may contain cornmeal. It is baked in a round pan and fillings are layered on in an inverted order:  with mozzarella on the bottom, pepperoni or bell peppers in the middle, and tomato sauce on top. This prevents the cheese from burning.



-QUINTESSENTIAL: por antonomasia.
-HOMEMADE:  casero.
-INCOMES: ingresos.
-CHAINS: cadenas.
-CRUST: corteza.
-THICK AND CRISPY: gruesa y crujiente.
-TO TOP: cubrir.
-BY THE SLICE: a porciones.
-PIE: pastel.
-UPSIDE.DOWN: del revés.
-SOGGY: pastosa.
-ARTICHOKE HEARTS: corazones de alcachofa.
-GOAT: cabra.
-ZESTY: ácido.
-STRIPS: tiras.
-DOUGH: masa.
-CORNMEAL: harina de maíz.
-PAN: sartén.
-BELL PEPPERS: pimientos.


sábado, 6 de abril de 2019


Hi my dear friends, today we're going to read a short story about "scones" the typical British hot cakes. Things are not always,  what they look like!  I hope you'll like it!

Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy vamos a leer un relato corto sobre los "scones" los típicos pastelitos calientes británicos. ¡No siempre las cosas son lo que parecen!  ¡Espero que os guste!

From: Speak Up magazine.
Photos: canalcocina.es  /  sweetandsour.es  /  corazondecaramelo.es  /  tripdavisor.es

A SHORT STORY   /   HOT CAKES by Rachel Roberts.

The Tea House in the Lanes was one of the most famous tea shops in Brighton and certainly the most expensive!  A cream tea at the Tea House cost more than at the Grand Hotel and yet the place was always full.

It was tiny -squeezed between an antiques shop and a jewellers. The street itself was dark and narrow and there were always lighted candles on the tables. I never wanted to go there. I didn't approve of such exclusive, elitist places, but I had to admit I was curious. So when Freddy invited me to go, my disapproval soon disappeared.

-Are you sure? It's so expensive!, I said.
-I know, but it's the best place there is. I went years ago and I've never forgotten it.
-There are plenty of other nice places that serve homemade scones.
-Not like this one, believe me. The cream teas cost a lot, but they sell like... well, like hot cakes.

I laughed at the weak joke and gave in. Secretly, I'd always wanted to go.

I was excited as Freddy and I walked through the freezing rain to the Tea House.
It was bitterly cold and we both sighed with relief as we walked into the warm atmosphere of the café. I had expected luxury. Instead people sat in comfortable armchairs around low tables, chatting and laughing, their faces bathed in golden light from candles and soft lamps.

A waitress walked by, carrying a tray with a plate of delicious-looking scones. Their delicate aroma filled my nose and suddenly I felt hungry.
Another waitress showed us to our table. I chose the smaller of the two armchairs. It was covered with soft, worn leather and two or three velvet cushions. Freddy's armchair had a pattern of atumn leaves. I loved the assortment of chairs and tables and the mismatched ornaments that covered every surface. It seemed more like home than an expensive teashop.

An enormous pot of tea arrived, with scones, strawberry jam and a bowl of clotted cream. The ruby-coloured jam glowed in the lamplight. The scones were still warm and as I sliced one open, a curl of cake-scented steam spiralled upwards and my stomach rumbled its appreciation.

-They only serve cream tea here,said Freddy. There's not even a choice of jam. It's strawberry or nothing.

I sighed happily as I spread jam over the two halves of the scone and dropped a dollop of thick cream into the centre of both. It melted instantly. I had stopped listening to Freddy. I was in a kind of ecstatic trance as I picked up one half of the scone, held it for second to inhale the scent of fragrant cake, buttery cream and the fruity, summer tang of strawberries before sinking my teeth into it. It was heaven!!!

Far from complaining about the exclusive nature of the Tea House, I decided I would return as soon as possible.

-My compliments to the cook! I said to the waitress when at last we left. I don't suppose you have the recipe?
-She smiled and shook her head. Everyone asks but it's a closely-guarded secret. Come again soon.

I said I certainly would and we walked out into the sleet.

In fact,  I went back two days later. Unfortunately, I got there far too early in the morning. The Tea House was closed and all was dark inside. Rubbish collectors were emptying bins into a rubbish truck.
It was raining again and, as one man lifted a bin towards the back of the truck, his wet glove slipped and the bin fell to one side, its lid open. The man picked it up immediately, but in those few seconds, I had seen inside. I had clearly seen the many catering packs of cheap scone mix!!!

I couldn't believe my eyes, so I walked along until I came to a narrow alley that led to a tiny courtyard at the back of the shops and there, next to the back door of the Tea House, was another bin. I lifted the lid and saw huge tins of industrial-quality strawberry jam!!!
Was it possible? Were they really using catering packs to make their "homemade" cream teas? I wondered angrily where the clotted cream had come from"

I went home determined to write a damning review on TripAdvisor, but something stopped me. It had been a magical experience, after all. Had the delicious taste really been a product of the soft lamps and homely atmosphere?

There's no answer. All I can say is that once a month I treat myself to a cream tea at the Tea House in the Lanes. It might be industrial rubbish but it tastes delicious!!!



-TO SQUEEZE:  exprimir.
-NARROW: estrecho.
-THEY SELL LIKE HOT CAKES: se venden como churros.
-WEAK JOKE: chiste malo.
-TO GIVE IN: rendirse.
-TO SIGH: suspirar.
-MISMATCHED: que no hacían juego.
-TO RUMBLE: rugir.
-DOLLOP: cucharada.
-TO MELT: fundirse, derretirse.,
-TANG: olor intenso.
-LID: tapa, tapadera.
-CATERING PACKS: paquetes preparados.
-ALLEY: callejón.
-COURTYARD: patio.
-DAMNING REVIEW: una crítica mala.
-TO TREAT ONESELF: hacerse un regalo a sí mismo, invitarse.



-500 gr of flour
-20 gr baking powder.
-5 teaspoons sugar.
-a pinch of salt.
-150 gr butter.
-1 large egg.
-200 ml milk.

**Preheat the oven to 220º C
**Put the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a mixing bowl. Add the butter cubes and rub it into the flour with your fingers.
**Make a well in the dry mix, add the egg and warm milk, and combine it quickly.
**Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface until it's about 3-4 cm thick. With a round cutter or the rim of a glass, cut out circles from the dough and place them on a baking sheet.
**Brush the top of each scone with milk or some melted butter and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until risen and golden on top. Eat just warm!
**Serve topped with jam and clotted cream.


If you definitely decide to make scones at home, tell me, please!!!! And if not, you can always go to a typical Tea Shop to taste these delicious hot cakes!

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

ROBOTS - MACHINES LIKE US / Robots - Máquinas como nosotros.

Hi my dear friends, first of all, I would like to wish you a happy new year!
And now, I want to continue with the first post of the year, which is dedicated to "robots", the machines that are more and more among us and that are very useful and  important for our society but at the same time, a bit strange and intriguing!

Hola mis queridos amigos, en primer lugar me gustaría desearos un ¡feliz año nuevo!
Y ahora, quiero continuar con la primera publicación del año que está dedicada a los "robots", las máquinas que están cada vez más entre nosotros y que son muy útiles e importantes para nuestra sociedad pero al mismo tiempo, un poco extrañas e intrigantes.

Info: from Speak Up magazine
Photos: elboletin.com  /  granadadigital.es / saposyprincesas.elmundo.es/ muyinteresante.es/ computerworld.es / eldiario.es



From the film "2001: A Space Odissey" to the TV series "Westworld", the prospect of creating a machine that can act and think as a human does, has fascinated and frightened us in fiction.  But how close are we to creating a self.aware being in reality?  And, if we do create one, will it really be a threat to humanity? The mathematical physicist and Professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford, Sir Roger Penrose and the computer scientist and specialist in artificial intelligence Sir Nigel Shadbolt, discussed the real present and future of artificially intelligent machines at a conference held at London's Institute of Art and Ideas.

Sir Nigel Shadbolt began by putting AI into perspective by saying that 37 years ago when he went to a department of AI in Edinburgh to study the subject, there were only a handful of places that even did that, and that they had on display, robots that could just about stack toy bricks. Four decades later he says that they have some remarkable AI achievements. Systems that we carry around on the supercomputers  in our pockets called phones and that search a web of billions of pages. The programs can understand our speech, they can recognise faces in photographs but however, they are not smart self-aware systems.

Sir Roger Penrose says that if we do want to create conscious self-aware beings,  then computers are not the place to start. He explains that his definition of a machine would be a computer controlled robot or something like that and such devices would not be intelligent. Computers, they do what are called "computations" and these notions of computations or algorithms were put forward very clearly by Alan Turing and other logicians -they put forward arguments, which basically tell us that understanding is not something that a computational device is capable of.

So what is "human understanding'? This mystery, says Penrose, provides the clue as to why AI intrigues us so much. He states that mimicking or "machine learning" takes place in an unconscious part of the brain -but then consciousness takes over.

But, we are often fooled into thinking that machines are intelligent, automated telephone services being an exasperating example! In 1996, world chess champion Gary Kasparov was beaten by a computer program called Deep Blue. It had a profound effect on him, he was unnerved by the experience, says Shadbolt.  Kasparov thought that the program was reading his mind!  And that's something that humans do, they ascribe to these systems lots of intentionality. But what Deep Blue had was pretty fast processing power for the time, it looked millions of moves ahead, it had millions of opening and closing game positions, and so, it could look deep into its own search space and deep into its opponent. That chess machine certainly couldn't play a game of checkers, It had no ability to transfer that one skill into another area.

In fact, it was probably  this paranoia that caused Kasparov to make foolish moves that allowed the computer to win. We must not place too much trust in computers, for the  ultimate responsibility is our own because one thing we should be aware of and should worry about is the ability or the inability of us as people to put limits on what those very narrowly capable systems are doing, whether it's trading financial derivatives or flying drones in autonomous control on seek and destroy missions, says Shadbolt. They don't have to be self-aware to be a real threat. "A robot shall not harm a human or through its action cause a human to be harmed".

And if in the distant future artifically intelligent conscious beings are created, then it may defeat the purpose of their creation. Why do we need artifical intelligence? And one of the reasons is: "Well, you can send it down the radioactive mine, or you can send it up to some distant star and you don't have to worry about bringing it back."  But of course if it really is conscious, there's a moral obligation to that device!  You wouldn't be allowed to turn them off without their permission!


-PROSPECT: posibilidad.
-FRIGHTEN:  atemorizar.
-SELF-AWARE BEING: un ser consciente de sí mismo.
-CARRY AROUND: llevar encima.
-DEVICES: dispositivos, aparatos.
-MIMICKING: imitar.
-TAKE OVER: hacerse con el control.
-FOOLED INTO THINKING: nos engañan para hacernos creer.
-UNNERVED: furioso.
-ASCRIBE TO THESE SYSTEMS LOTS OF INTENTIONALITY:  se atribuye a estos sistemas un alto grado de intencionalidad.
-CHECKERS: el juego de damas.



1 El cerebelo tiene la mitad de neuronas que el telencéfalo.

2 Penrose utiliza aquí términos técnicos para diferenciar distintas partes del "encéfalo" (brain).

3 El cerebelo se encuentra en la parte posterior del cráneo donde se concentra el control de las vías sensitivas y motoras.

4 El telencéfalo (cerebrum) es la parte más voluminosa, la que contiene el córtex cerebral y los dos hemisferios.

5 Shadbolt está citando la primera de las célebres leyes de la robótica de Isaac Assimov (1920-1992). famoso escritor estadounidense de origen ruso.

6 Assimov ha influido en muchos escritores de ciencia ficción. La primera ley de Assimov establece que "un robot no permitirá nunca que un humano resulte herido" ni siquiera por inacción.

7 La segunda ley de Assimov dice que un robot debe cumplir las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos a excepción de aquellas que no respetasen la primera ley.

8 La tercera ley de Assimov dice que un robot debe proteger su propia existencia siempre y cuando esta protección no perjudique la primera o la segunda ley.


SOLUTIONS to the sentences.

1 The cerebellum has about half as many neurons as the cerebrum has.
2 Penrose uses here some technical terms to demonstrate the difference among the  parts of the brain.
3 The cerebellum is placed in the back of our head where the control of feelings and movement is concentrated.
4 The cerebrum is the bulkiest part, the one that has got the cortex and the two hemispheres.
5 Shadbolt is mentioning the first of the famous robotics Laws by Isaac Assimov (1920-1992), a well-known American writer of Russian origin
6 Assimov has influenced  a lot of science-fiction writers. The First  Assimov's Law establishes that "a robot won't allow a human to be harmed" even by inaction.
7 The Second Assimov's Law says that "a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except the ones that don't respect the first Law".
8 The Third Assimov's Law says that "a robot must protect its own existence so that this protection doesn't harm the first or the second Law".