lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2022


Hi my dear friends. Do you know Thanksgiving Festivity? It's very popular in USA and Canada and today we are going to look at its origins. I hope you'll like it!  Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Hola mis queridos amigos. ¿Conocéis la festividad de Acción de Gracias? Es muy popular en Estados Unidos y en Canadá y hoy vamos a ver sus orígenes. ¡Espero que os guste! ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

Info: from Speak Up magazine.

Photos:  /  /  /  /


Like many other festivities, the holiday of Thanksgiving usually includes a delicious, abundant meal.  The classic Thanksgiving  menu consists of dishes like mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, Brussels sprouts and of course, roast turkey. But how did turkey become the star of the table? It all started four centuries ago...


The "first Thanksgiving" took place in the Plymouth colony (in modern-day Massachussetts) in 1621. The year before, a group of English colonists known as the Pilgrims had arrived there in search of a new home. Only half of them survived their first New England winter.  Helped by some welcoming Native Americans of different tribes, they learnt some farming and fishing techniques. In November 1621, after the Pilgrims' first succesful corn harvest, they organised a celebratory feast with their Native American allies to thank God for it.  However, no turkey was served here.

According to the chronicle  written by Pilgrim Edward Winslow, the menu included deer and "wild fowl" which historians interpret as ducks or geese.  The Pilgrims repeated the feast the following year, and thanksgiving celebrations became common practice in other New England settlements, too.


Before Thanksgiving was an official holiday, turkey had become a popular dish to serve on special occasions.  The reasons behind this are that turkey was abundant in America, it was affordable and unlike cows or hens, it was rised to be slaughtered and eaten.  Plus, it was big: one single turkey was enough to feed a whole family.

In 1827, Sarah Josepha Hale, in her novel "Northwood", described a New England Thanksgiving feast with a roast turkey "placed at the head of the table".  Hale and other supporters started campaigning to establish Thanksgiving as a official national holiday.  In 1863, Abraham Lincoln finally accepted the proposal, asking all Americans to take it as an opportunity to ask God to help all the victims of the ongoing Civil War.


Sending the U.S. President a turkey as a present had become a common thing to do by the 20th century.  And this tradition gave rise to another tradition: pardoning the turkey.

The first president to throw a ceremony to pardon a turkey from the Thanksgiving table was John F. Kennedy in 1963.  Pardoning the turkey became an "official" act in 1989, and from then on presidents have chosen one or two turkeys every year to be sent to a farm to live instead of becoming the Thanksgiving dinner.


-mashed potatoes: puré de patatas  /  green beans: judías verdes  /  dinner rolls: panecillos  /  cranberry: arándano  /  pumpkin pie: pastel de calabaza  /  Brussels sprouts: coles de Bruselas  /  pilgrims: peregrinos  /  welcoming: hospitalarios  /  harvest: cosecha  /  allies: aliados  /  deer: ciervo  /  wild fowl: ave salvaje  /  geese: ocas  /  settlements: asentamientos  /  affordable: asequible  /  unlike: a diferencia de  /  ongoing: en curso  /  to give rise: dar lugar  /  from then on: desde entonces .

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022

ULURU - Australia - THE SACRED ROCK / Uluru - La Roca Sagrada.

Hi my dear friends. Australia is a very far continent which is difficult to travel to if you are in Europe. for instance. So, today we are going to visit Australia with this post and especially we will go to Uluru, The Sacred Rock. I hope you'll like it!

Hola mis queridos amigos. Australia es un continente muy lejano al que es difícil viajar si estás en Europa por ejemplo. Así que, hoy vamos a visitar Australia con este post y especialmente iremos al Uluru, La Roca Sagrada. ¡Espero que os guste!

Info:  from Speak-Up magazine.   Photos:  /  /  /  /  /


In the heart of Australia's Northern Territory lies Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, an expansive arid zone colloquially called the country's red centre.  Its focal point is Uluru, a mamoth red rock also known as AYERS ROCK, a name given to it by European settlers a century ago.  Now returned to the Anangu people, Uluru is a deeply sacred monument to its traditional indigenous owners, who have lived there for over thirty thousand years.


Uluru, which means "great pebble", started to form about 550 million years ago.  Rainwater ran down high mountains, eroding sand and rock and forming big fan shapes on the plains.  The whole area submerged, and sand and mud covered the seabed.  The weight turned the sand into sandstone and the softer rocks eroded, leaving this spectacular form.


Standing 348 m high, and with a total circumference of 9.4 km, most of Uluru's mass is below the surface, reaching depths of up to 6 km.  It is formed out of arkose rock: the red and grey surface is the rusting of iron found naturally in arkose, while the rock's original grey colour can be seen inside its caves. From a distance, Uluru changes colour from ochre to rust to plum and charcoal. The thorny devil (Moloch horridus) is a lizard endemic to Australia which lives there.


The features of Uluru have a deeper meaning for the Anangu.  According to indigenous cultural beliefs, it was created in the very beginning of time when ancestral spirits crossed the land creating landscapes and life.  The gigantic fissures in the sandstone are linked to these beings, and the caves around Uluru's base are still used to perform sacred rituals.


While visitors can no longer climb Uluru, you can still walk numerous hiking tracks around it.  The Anangu welcome visitors who wish to learn about their ancient history, culture and their spiritual connection to the land, which, according to their beliefs, carries creation stories known as "songlines" recounting the adventures of their ancestral beings.


-SETTLERS: colonos.-DEEPLY: profundamente. -PEBBLE: guijarro. -TO RUN DOWN: descender.FAN: abanico -  -MUD: barro  -SEABED: fondo marino  -SANDSTONE: arenisca. -TO REACH: alcanzar.  -ARKOSE: arcosa (un tipo de arenisca)  -RUSTING: oxidación  -PLUM: ciruela  -CHARCOAL: carbón.  -HIKING TRACKS: pistas de senderismo.