martes, 17 de abril de 2018


Hi my dear friends,  cooking seems to be a "must" in our society nowadays and so we can watch plenty of TV programmes dedicated to  "competitive cooking". In the UK one of this famous programmes is "THE GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF" and this post is about it. Bon appétit!

Hola mis queridos amigos, cocinar parece ser un imprescindible hoy en día en nuestra sociedad y así  podemos ver cantidad de programas de televisión dedicados a la "cocina competitiva". En Reino Unido uno de estos famosos programas es "The Great British Bake Off" y esta publicación es sobre él. ¡Que aproveche!

Info: SPEAK UP magazine.
Photos:  / /


One of the most popular TV programmes in the UK is a reality show called "The Great British Bake Off". Each week, ordinary people compete to make the best cakes and bread within a time limit. The competition takes place in a very large tent in a big garden. There are two judges and two hosts, and each week the judges choose a "star baker" (the best baker).  They also choose one person who must leave the competition. At the end of ten weeks there is one winner.


The programme started in 2010, and nobody expected it to be popular. People really enjoyed watching the baking and the good atmosphere on the show.

Originally broadcast on BBC one, last year the show made a risky move to Channel 4.  Many people thought that this would mean much smaller audiences but they were wrong!  In fact, and despite competition from big digital giants such as Netflix, Apple and Amazon, that show received high ratings especially among 16 to 34 year-olds, who are the hardest audience to attract.


"Bake Off" is very different from other reality TV shows. Some people think the show is typically British, with a good sense of humour and friendly people. Viewers also really enjoy learning how to make different types of cakes, biscuits and bread.

Since the show started, baking has become very popular in the UK, and many young people have started baking at home. Shops have sold lots of products for baking, like bowls and food mixers.  More than 19 per cent of British people bake at least once a week at home now.


Around nine million people watched the final episode of the show last October. The winner was former Army officer Sophie Faldo. She beat health and safety inspector Kate Lyon and marketing professional Steven Carter-Bailey.

The new hosts are the comedian Noel Fielding and the quiz show presenter Sandi Toksvig. The judges are food columnist Prue Ruth and celebrity chef Paul Hollywood, who stayed with the show after it moved to Channel 4.  There was controversy as Ruth mistakenly announced the winner eleven hours early on Twiter. She apologised and explained that she was in Bhutan and had become confused by the time difference. Everyone laughed and forgave her!


Write the correct word in the gaps. The first letter and a description are given in brackets to help you.

a) The UK reality show The Great British Bake off  s___________(began) in 2010.
b) At the beginning nobody expected the programme to be  p_________(successful).
c) The  c________ (contest) takes place in a large tent in a big garden.
d) Viewers especially enjoy the good  a___________(ambiance) on the show.
e) Usually 16 to 34 year-olds are the hardest  a__________ (spectators) to attract.
f) Since the show started, shops have sold a lot of  p_______(articles) for baking.


-TO BAKE: hornear.
-ORDINARY PEOPLE: gente corriente.
-HOST: presentador anfitrión.
-TO LEAVE: dejar, abandonar.
-TO BROADCAST: emitir.
-RISKY: arriesgado.
-MOVE: mudanza,  trasladarse.
-DESPITE:  a pesar de.
-HIGH RATINGS: altos índices de audiencia.
-AMONG:  entre (varios, más de dos).
-VIEWER: espectador.
-FOOD MIXER: batidora.
-FORMER: ex, antiguo.
-TO BEAT: derrotar.
-MISTAKENLY: por equivocación.
-TO FORGIVE: perdonar.

a) started  /  b) popular  /  c) competition  /  d) atmosphere /  e) audience  /  f) products



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