sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

PORTOBELLO MARKET / A LONDON MUST / Portobello Market/ Obligado visitar en Londres

Hi my dear friends, after Christmas Time here we are again.  I hope the New Year will bring you all the best!

Hola mis queridos amigos, después de las Fiestas Navideñas aquí estamos otra vez.  ¡Espero que el Año Nuevo os traiga lo mejor a todos!

Today we'll look at a London classic: PORTOBELLO MARKET in Notting Hill District.

Hoy miraremos a un clásico en Londres: EL MERCADO DE PORTOBELLO en el distrito de Notting Hill.


This famous market is located on Portobello Road, that runs from North to South through the elegant district of Notting Hill.

Portobello Market is about 950 metres long.

There is a market every day except Sundays.


Portobello Road was in the past a county lane in the middle of fields.  Portobello Farm was set just there and Portobello Road connected Portobello Farm and Notting Hill.

The name "Portobello" comes from the Spanish town Puerto Bello in Panama which was captured by Admiral Edward Vernon in 1739.

The zone developped in the Victorian era and Notting Hill became a residential place.  In fact, it has got a lot of elegant houses and beautiful crescents (calles en forma de media luna) with terraced housing (casas adosadas).  This has given Notting Hill its unique character.


If you want to buy antiques, you should visit the market only on Saturdays if not, the rest of the week, except Sundays, you will find fruit and vegetables.

It is the largest antiques market in United Kingdom but if you want to find "a bargain" you'll have to haggle (regatear).


Are you fond of second-hand products?  Do you like vintage clothes? So, go on Saturdays and Sundays. A lot of vintage clothes stalls will offer you anything and everything.  If you are tired, you'll find cafés, pubs and bars for lunch, have a  rest or have a cup of tea or coffee.


The market opens at 9 a.m. but at 11 a.m. is already very crowded!

It closes at 6 p.m. but many traders close down at 4 p.m. This is a good time to visit the fruit and vegetable area, especially on Saturdays. Traders shout out: "1 pound a box!" cause they are selling the last of their sctock!


This is a unique area in London so "The Friends of Portobello association" is now fighting to stop retail chains (cadenas de tiendas) from invading this special zone.

Most English towns and cities have the same shops with the same window displays but Portobello Road and Market remains unique with its small shops and arcades (galerías comerciales).

MORE INFO:  The nearest underground station is NOTTING HILL GATE  which is just a five-minute from the market.

You can reach Portobello Road from the underground station of KNIGHTSBRIDGE where you can find the famous HARROD'S and so you'll visit two different areas.


If so, you can visit the locations of the famous romantic movie.

**However, you won't find a lot of the things you could see on the film like the Hugh Grant's blue door terrace house because it's no longer there.  It is a black door at 280 Westbourne Park Road which was the Hugh Grant's address.

**Most of the shops have closed or never existed.  THE TRAVEL BOOKSHOP exists but it has never been a bookshop but in Blenheim Crescent you'll see another bookshop on which The Travel Bookshop was based .

**In the opening scenes of the movie a drunken man comes out of a tattoo parlour (sala de tatauajes), that is Saints Tattoo Parlour at 201 Portobello Road. It is still there!

If you travel to London, don't forget to visit Portobello Market, you'll like it!!!


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