miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

PHRASAL VERBS / English Grammar / and a Reading/ Model Aircraft.

Hi everybody, today a new look at a bit of English grammar.  We will talk about phrasal verbs, these verbs that change their meaning depending on the preposition we put after them.  We will only see some of them.

Hola a todo el mundo, hoy una nueva mirada a un poquito de gramática inglesa.  Hablaremos sobre "phrasal verbs", estos verbos que cambian su significado dependiendo de la preposición que pongamos detrás de ellos.  Veremos solo algunos de ellos.

Sta. Eulalia (Ibiza) a photo of my own

**CATCH:  coger.

*CATCH UP WITH:  ponerse al día, alcanzar.
- She is trying to catch up with her email writing: Ella está intentando ponerse al día con sus emails.
- Lucy worked hard and soon caught up with her homework: Lucy trabajó duro y pronto se puso al día con sus deberes.

*CATCH SIGHT OF:  localizar, descubrir.
- I caught sight of Pete in a crowd of people: Localicé a Pete en una multitud de gente.
- Lucy caught sight of me as I was leaving the Ibiza harbour: Lucy me localizó mientras estaba saliendo del puerto de Ibiza.

**FALL: caer

*FALL BEHIND:  quedarse atrás.
- Mary has fallen behind with her correspondence: Mary se ha quedado atrás con su correspondencia.
- Michael has fallen behind in his work: Michael se ha quedado atrás en su trabajo.

**LOOK: parecer.
Flea Market "Las Dalias"
(a photo of my own)

*LOOK AT:  mirar.
- Look at me, please! : ¡mírame por favor!
- Look at these bags! ¡Mira estos bolsos!

*LOOK FOR: buscar.
- I'm looking for my keys: Estoy buscando mis llaves.

*LOOK AFTER:  cuidar.
- I have been looking after my budgie for seven years:  He estado cuidando de mi periquito durante 7 años.

*LOOK FORWARD TO:  desear.
- I'm looking forward to seeing you soon:  Estoy deseando verte pronto.

**GIVE:  dar

*GIVE UP:  rendirse, dejar de hacer algo.
- Mr Jones has given up smoking:  El Sr. Jones ha dejado de fumar.
- Don't give up!  ¡No te rindas!

*GIVE BACK:  devolver.
- I have already given you back your dictionary:  Ya te he devuelto el diccionario.


MODEL AIRCRAFT   /  Aeromodelismo.
Model Aircraft is a sport which a lot of people are very fond of.
Some aeroplanes are made of wood and some have got a wooden framework covered with paper or  a cloth.

You can find small models which are driven by twisted rubber bands and others are made like gliders or sailplanes.  There are also models that are exact copies of well-known types of civil or military aircraft.

Flying model aircraft is a very popular sport in many countries.  In Great Britain there are more than five hundred clubs for this sport and a million persons go in for it.



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