Hola mis queridos amigos, hoy voy a escribir sobre Londres porque una amiga me lo ha pedido, así que trataré de contaros cómo llegar allí y qué hacer también allí. Aunque he escrito varias veces sobre esta bonita capital, hay siempre cosas nuevas que descubrir. Así que ¡vamos a Londres!
Dedicado a "Laculta".
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Foto: http://www.escapadasescapadas.com/ |
Una visita a Londres cualquier fin de semana es siempre una buena opción para la gente que vive en Europa. Si vivís en USA o Sudamérica, necesitaréis más días, pero en una semana os podéis hacer una idea de Londres si os quedáis todo el tiempo allí, ¡claro!.
**Low Cost flights are the best suggestion. In my opinion EASY JET is the best company. All these flights arrive at GATWICK Airport. If you are not taken to your hotel, the mean of transport from the airport to London is by train. These trains called AIRBUS, normally arrive at Central Stations such as Victoria Station or Euston Station which are located in the centre of the town.
Los vuelos de bajo coste son la mejor recomendación. En mi opinión EASY JET es la mejor compañía. Todos estos vuelos llegan al Aeropuerto de GATWICK. Si no os llevan a vuestro hotel, el medio de transporte desde el aeropuerto hasta Londres es en tren. Estos trenes llamados AIRBUS, normalmente llegan a Estaciones Centrales como Victoria Station o Euston Station que están ubicadas en el centro de la ciudad.
Any B&B in London is perfect to stay. They are cheaper than hotels but comfortable and beautiful. More info: http://www.bedanbreakfastlondon.com/
Cualquier B&B (bed and breakfast) en Londres es perfecto para quedarse. Son más baratos que los hoteles pero cómodos y bonitos.
There are plenty of hotels in London capital. Many of them are new but a lot of them are old too. My advice is that is preferable to stay in an older hotel in downtown. New hotels are sometimes very far from the centre of the city.
Hay cantidad de hoteles en Londres capital. Muchos de ellos son nuevos pero muchos son viejos también. Mi consejo es que es preferible quedarse en un hotel más viejo en el centro de la ciudad. Los hoteles nuevos algunas veces están muy lejos del centro.
** A RECOMMENDATION - Una recomendación
THE ZETTER TOWNHOUSE. It's a real and authentic British house. It has got 13 rooms and it is a lovely place. But if you like a bigger hotel, THE ZETTER HOTEL is your destination. There you will find "The Bistrot Bruno Loubet" where you can eat well or simply have a typical English tea.
For more info: http://www.thezetter.com/
In London, as it's an international city, you can find a lot of "fast food" restaurants to have a hamburger, hot-dogs or pizzas as well as Chinese or Indian restaurants.
But if you're looking for a typical English food, you must go to SOHO and visit "THE SHAKESPEARE'S HEAD" which is an English Pub. There you can have lunch, taste the typical fish and chips and the most famous English dishes. It's situated in Carnaby Street and your underground station is "Picadilly".
**MEAL TIMES: Las horas de las comidas.
BREAKFAST- Desayuno: from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. You can have the "Full English breakfast" about coffee or tea, cereals, milk, sausages (salchichas), bacon, eggs, salad and bread with butter (mantequilla) and jam (mermelada) or "The Continental Breakfast" which is similar to ours with juices, coffee, buns (bollitos) bread with butter and jam.
LUNCH: from 12 p.m. to 14 p.m.
TEATIME: between 16:00 and 17:00 p.m.
DINNER: from 18:30 p.m. to 22:30 p.m.
**MEANS OF TRANSPORT - Medios de Transporte.
- The best way to move around is "the underground" (el metro). Rush hour (la hora punta) is from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. so we must avoid it (evitarla). The system is more difficult than in Madrid, for example, you have to look at your destination and buy your ticket depending on it and when you are waiting for the train you have to look at the destination on the train itself too.
- Another option is the bus. They are slower and more expensive but you can have a better view of the city. If you take the bus numbers 8 , 11 or 12 you'll see the town around.
- You can also take a typical London Cab (taxi londinense típico). They are very expensive. If the taxi is free you will see a "FOR HIRE" on the top (en la parte de arriba).
LONDON IS VERY EXPENSIVE IN GENERAL, SO WE WILL HAVE TO THINK OF IT BEFORE GOING TO. However we can spend some wonderful days in this marvellous city!