viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2023


Hi my dear friends. Today we are going to look at the stars. NASA celebrates 65 years in Space. It is very strange the out space world!  It has always fascinated me! And what is more, I think it's impossible to understand it!

Hola mis queridos amigos. Hoy vamos a mirar a las estrellas. La NASA celebra 65 años en el Espacio. Es muy extraño el mundo del espacio exterior. Siempre me ha fascinado. ¡Y lo que es más, creo que es imposible de entender!

Info from: Speak Up magazine.

Photos:  /  www.national.geoghrapic  /  /  /  /

For millennia, people observed space and wondered what was up there. It's only the second half of the 20th century, though, that travelling into space began, an extraordinary feat made possible by organisations like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).


In fact, the founding of NASA had much to do with pride.  Less than a year before, the USSR launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth.  It was not all about getting ahead of the Soviets, though.  NASA's achievements had consequences that expanded into all the scientific fields, contributing hugely to the understanding of the cosmos and our own planet.


Thanks to NASA's manned missions, but also to its telecopes and probes, scientists have been able to study the evolution and expansion of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present.  We have learned, for example, that the universe is 13.77 billion years old and that only 4.6 per cent of it is made up of atoms -with the rest being dark matter and dark energy.


In november 2013, scientists used data from the Kepler space observatory to conclude that there could be up to forty billion Earth-like planets orbiting stars at a distance that could make life possible.  So if anyone finally does discover life out there in space, the odds are it will be NASA.


FEAT: hito  /  PRIDE: orgullo  /  GETTING AHEAD: avanzarse  /  ACHIEVEMENTS: logros  /  

HUGELY: enormemente  /  MANNED MISSIONS: misiones tripuladas  /  THE ODDS ARE:  lo más probable es.


"I'm gonna step off the LM now. That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind" 

These are the famous words astronaut Neil Armstrong said before becoming the first human to set foot on the Moon. It was July 20th 1969 and the mission was called Apollo 11.

Five other Apollo missions would land on Earth's satellite afterwards. Along with the research data they brought home, the astronauts carried back some four hundred kilograms of Moon rocks,sand, dust and other celestial materials for us to study. 

Study of rock and soil samples from the Moon provide useful information about the early history of the Moon, the Earth, and the Solar System. Although they may not seem that interesting at first sight.

NASA's research indicates that the Moon could have been formed from the debris resulting from the Earth being struck by a celestial body the size of Mars. This theory is backed by the chemical composition of the lunar rocks and the meteorite remains that have been found on its surface.

It has been forty-five years since the last human walked on the Moon and NASA is indeed planning to go back up there.  NASA is refocusing on the Moon and they want to send people back there and there was some talk about robotic missions, too, both to do in situ science on the surface, but also to hopefully bring back some samples. 


LM: módulo lunar  /  LEAP: SALTO  /  set foot: PISAR  /  samples: MUESTRAS  /  DEBRIS: detritos  /  REMAINS: restos 

lunes, 17 de abril de 2023


 Salut mes amis. Aujourd'hui un peu de Français. Nous allons lire à propos de l'Île de Pâques. 

¡Hola amigos! Hoy un poco de Francés. Vamos a leer sobre la Isla de Pascua.

Photos:  /  /  /  /


L'Île de Pâques est située à 3.700 km à l'Ouest de l'Amérique du Sud dans l'Océan Pacifique.  L'Île habitée la plus proche est l'Île Pitcairn à plus de 2.000 km à l'Ouest.  De forme triangulaire et d'environ 23 km dans sa plus grande dimension, l'Île couvre 166 km carrés, et sa population comptait plus de 2.200 habitants en 2002.  Elle fut visitée par le premier européen le navigateur Jakob Roggeven le jour de Pâques, le 6 avril 1722, et comptait alors près de 4.000 habitants.

L'Île de Pâques fut annexée par l'Espagne en 1770 sous le nom d'Isla San Carlos, mais l'Espagne s'en désintéressa par la suite alors des Français s'y installèrent après 1864 et l'Île est devenue une possession chilienne en 1888.

Sur cette île se trouvent près de 890 têtes de statues monumentales appelées Moaïs.  Celles-ci sont sculptées dans la pierre et disposées sur l'Île de Rapa Nui protégée par l'UNESCO.  Les statues proviennent d'une carrière située sur les flancs et dans le cratère du volcan nommé Rano Raraku.  On peut y voir un très grand nombre de moaïs, certains terminés et dressés au pieds de la pente, d'autres inachevés, à divers stades entre l'ébauche et la finition.  Le plus grand qui ait été érigé mesure 10 m de haut et pèse 75 t.

L'un des inachevés fait 21 m de hauteur pour une masse estimé à 270 t.

Environ 400 statues ont été dressés sur l'Île et un nombre équivalent est resté inachevé dans la carrière principale. Le mystère de leur contstruction n'est plus.  L'Île avait été boisée et la théorie communément admise est que les statues auraient été déplacées debout depuis le site Rano Raraku où elles étaient taillées en position horizontale dans la roche volcanique jusqu'à leur destination finale, par un mouvement de balancier régulé par des tireurs de cordes.

Mais le mystère autour de la raison d'être de ces statues reste pour une grande partie entier. Ce qu'on sait de l'Île de Pâques, c'est que les premiers habitants, ils sont arrivés dès le IVème siècle, et que ces statues, elles ont été sculptées entre le X et le  XVème siècle. 

Certaine d'entre elles, portent des sortes de chapeaux, et leurs orbites, ont certainement acritées, à l'origine, du corail. Mais, pourquoi ces statues ont-elles été réalisées et disposées ainsi sur cette île?  Les hypothèses sont nombreuses, et aucune n'est pour leur certaine. Pour certains  spécialistes, ils s'agissait d'honorer des chefs de guerre importants,car il a été trouvé sous certaines d'entre elles des tombes.  Pour d'autres, il s'agissait d'offrir une protection aux habitants de l'Île, car il a été démontré que les statues regardent toutes en direction du village à l'heure présent. Mais ce qui rend impossible la confirmation de ces hyptohèses, est que les habitants même de l'Île, étaient déjà divisés lorsque les premiers  explorateurs hollandais arrivèrent en 1722.  En effet, à leur arrivée, l'Île ne ressemblait à ce qu'elle était dans le passé puisque une bonne partie des milliers de personnes qu'elle abritait, avaient péri au XVIIème siècle en raison d'une grande sécheresse.

L'Île semble alors avoir subit un effondrement écologique et culturel. À la suite des pénuries de ressources naturelles, et notamment de bois, les conflits éclatèrent entre les tribus, laissant place à la guerre at au cannibalisme. Un état de délicat sens de la société et parachevé par le esclavagisme du XIXème siècle.


1 À quel pays appartient actuellement l'Île de Pâques?   

2 Comment construisaient-ils les Moaïs?

3 Quelles sont les théories qui expliquent l'existence des statues?

4 Quelle a été la cause des luttes entre les tribus de l'Île de Pâques?

5 Comment est la description des Moaïs?

6 En Français: "En las antípodas de estas noticias tecnológicas que permiten informarse con un clic, yo os recomiendo el libro "magazine man and food" de la editorial 180 grados."


Percer: descubrir  /  -carrière: cantera   /  -boisée: poblada de árboles  /  -sécheresse: sequía   /  --effondrement: desmoronamiento, hundimiento  /  pénuries: problemas, penurias  /  éclater: estallar  /  -parachevé: rematar.


1 L'Île de Pâques appartient à Chili.

2 Les Moaïs ont été sculptés dans la pierre qui provient d'une carrière près du volcan Rano Raraku.

3 Il y a plusieurs théories. Protection pour les habitants de l'Île, honorer les chefs de guerre importants, mais on ne sait pas bien.

4 La cause des luttes entre les tribus pourraient être  la sécheresse, les pénuries de ressources naturelles et l'esclavagisme aussi.

5 Les Moaïs sont des statues énormes construites en pierre qui sont debout et disposées sur l'Île de Rapa Nui.

6 Aux antipodes de ces nouvelles tecnologiques´qui permettent de s'informer avec un clic, je vous recommend le livre"magazine man and food" de l'éditorial 180 degrés.  

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023


Hi my dear friends, today we are going to read "A short Story" by Rachel Roberts, "HOT CHOCOLATE". I hope you'll like it!  Intriguing until the end! Nothing is what it looks like!

Hola mis queridos amigos, vamos vamos a leer "Un relato corto" de Rachel Roberts, "CHOCOLATE CALIENTE". ¡Espero que os guste! Intrigante hasta el final. ¡Nada es lo que parece!

From: Speak Up magazine.    Photos: Freepng (2)  /


He was back! I knew I'd seen him around turning a corner in the street, or a few rows behind me in the cinema.Once or twice I'd seen him in the street beneath my window. Another day I was sitting in the magazine section of the library and I looked up to see him, or someone very like him, disappearing behind a shelf. At first, I told myself I was mistaken, or that my imagination was playing tricks. I didn't want to even consider the possibility that he had come back. Whatever the reason it could only mean one thing: trouble.

Then, when he walked into the café one day  and sat down at my table, there could no longer be any doubt. I knew by the expression on his face that he was going to torment me.

I stared at him. He smiled back. "Well," he asked, after a few minutes. "Surprised to see me?" 

I was, of course, deeply chocked and yet at the same time a little satisfied: I had been right to think it was him. I raised my chin defiantly.

"Why have you come?" "To see how you are." He looked me up and down slowly. "Not too well, it seems." "I'm well enough." "You look a lot older,"

I opened my mouth to return the insult, but then, looking at him, I realised that he hadn't aged a day. That really wasn't fair. Didn't horrible people age badly? With a character like this, he should have looked awful, but there was, just the same as  he had been 20 years ago. He smiled again and called to the waitress to bring us two hot chocolates. This was in very bad taste. Obviously he wanted me to feel uncomfortable. I decided to pay my bill and leave. I didn't know what game he was playing but I wasn't going to let him upset me.

I took the brake off my wheelchair and began to wheel it towards the counter , my wallet ready on my knees. With an almost imperceptible movement  of his foot, he pushed one of the café chairs into the gap between two tables and blocked my exit.

Not so fast," he said softly. "You haven't had your hot chocolate. It's very good here, you know."

I was stuck. It was a rainy day and the café was busy; chairs, tables and shopping bags filled the room. The only other route was blocked by a pushchair in which a young child was sleeping deeply. I couldn't leave without making a  scene.

"I can't drink hot chocolate," I said. "Diabetes."

Ah, so that's why you're in the wheelchair. Lost the circulation in your legs, eh? What was it? The drink?"

I glared at him. "Keep your voice down!"

How could he have known about my drink problem? Had he been keeping an eye on me, all these years? The thought terrified me.

"It was so easy to guess," he said, as if reading my thoughts. "You've got an alcoholic nose, red and swollen."  "Charming as ever," I said bitterly.

"Come on, relax." He leaned back in his chair. "Aren't you curious about me?" Don't you want to ask me anything?" "No, I dont". I want to go home. It's time for my medicine. I..."

"Oh dear," he said. "You have to be careful with medicine. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen.

This was too much. "Bad!" I shouted, waking the sleeping child in the pushchair. "You were  the one bad thing in my life!"

People were starting to stare. The mother of the sleeping child had pulled the pushchair closer to her. If I moved suddenly I might just make it to the counter, then I could pay and go. I'd leave the town and go to my sister's in Yorkshire. I'd been a fool to stay in the same area. He had found me too easily.

He leaned over and laid his hand firmly on my arm. "Think about it," he said gently. "There must be something you want to know, after all this time. What it was like for me, perhaps? You're not well; this could be a good time to ask me. You might not have much time left."  He raised his eyebrows encouragingly.

I hesitated and then I couldn't help it. The question that had tormented me all that time, the persistent little voice that only a large whisky could silence, suddenly became too much for me. I asked him the thing I had desperately wanted to know for 20 years: "Will there...Will there be consequences? For me, I mean, for what I did?"

"Consequences?"  "Yes.    Will there be some kind of punishment, you know, later?"

He threw back his head and laughed until the tears rolled down his face.

"You should have thought of that before," he said, wiping his eyes. "Before you put that overdose in my bedtime drink!"



ROW: fila  /  BENEATH: bajo  /  TO PLAY TRICK: jugar una mala pasada  /  TO STARE; mirar fijamente  /  AWFUL: horroroso  /  TO UPSET: molestar  /  BRAKE: freno  /  TO TAKE OFF: levantar  /  WHEELCHAIR: silla de ruedas  /  TO WHEEL: rodar  /  COUNTER: mostrador, barra  /  STUCK: bloqueado  /  PUSHCHAIR; cochecito de niño  /  TO GLARE: mirar enfadado  /  SWOLLEN: hinchado  /  BITTERLY:  amargamente  /  TO LEAN OVER: inclinarse  /  EYEBROW: ceja  /  I COULDN'T HELP IT: no lo pude evitar  /  TO WIPE: secar.

viernes, 27 de enero de 2023


Hi my dear friends, do you like Museums? Today we are going to know  a bit more about a Wax Museum, in Dublin. I hope you'll like it and you'll go and visit it!

Hola mis queridos amigos, ¿os gustan los Museos? Hoy vamos a saber un  poquito más sobre el Museo de Cera de Dublín. ¡Espero que os guste y que vayáis a visitarlo!

Information: from Speak Up magazine.

Photos: www.mibauldeblogs  / www.tripdavisor  /  www.conociendo/  www.porconocer.


During the Renaissance, wax modelling was a respected art form. Today, there is something a bit old-fashioned about wax museums.  Yet even in these times of sophisticated entertainment, they remain popular.

Dublin's National Wax Museum is certainly helped by its location.  Since 2009, the Wax Museum has been based in an imposing historic building in the Temple Bar district, in the heart of the city.


Wax museums are...educational.  In Dublin the visit starts in a room with figures of the country's famous writers -Ireland has produced four Nobel Prize winners. From the Writers Room, a squeaky door leads down into the vaults where gold reserves and arms were kept in the past.  A ghostly voice accompanies visitors into the first of the rooms where the safes used to be.  Here the story of Ireland is told in simple language.  We meet St Patrick, the Vikings, VIPs from the Tudor period such as Queen Elizabeth I, rebelds against British occupation, and the peace process agents in Northern Ireland.  Upstairs there is an extensive interactive exhibit on Irish contributions to science -from the inventor of the rechargeable battery to the first person to artiticially split the atom.


Wax museum  Here, the myths and legends of Ireland are presented in a lively, interactive way.  In one large room visitors can walk around between big names in music and show business, such as U2.  On the upper floor you can record a karaoke song.  In the cafeteria a wax figure is eternally reading a newspaper.


Wax museums are definitely entertaining, but can be...well bizarre!  The Horror Room greets visitors with a barking werewolf guarding a quiet vampire. You can take a selfie being attacked by Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. And -probably not for everyone- a 2€ coin gives you the opportunity to "electrocute" a death row inmate.

In some ways, wax museums seem to belong to another era, and Dublin's is no exception.


-SQUEAKY: chirriante  /  -TO LEAD: llevar, conducir  /  -VAULT: cámara acorazada  /  -SAFE: caja fuerte  /  -TO SPLIT: dividir  /  -UPPER: superior  /  -TO BARK: ladrar  /  -WEREWOLF: hombre lobo  /  -DEATH ROW: corredor de la muerte  /  -INMATE: preso.