miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

ENGLISH GRAMMAR/Simple Past and Present Perfect./GRAMÁTICA INGLESA/Pasado y Pretérito Perfecto.

Hi my dear friends, I'm here again after my holidays.  I hope your summer will have been great! Today we're going to look at some English grammar about verbs and the tenses Past and  Present Perfect.

Hola queridos amigos, aquí estoy otra vez después de las vacaciones . Espero que vuestro verano haya sido genial.  Hoy vamos a ver algo de gramática inglesa sobre verbos y los tiempos Pasado y Pretérito Perfecto.

We use THE SIMPLE PAST to say situations happened in the past and we specify the moment.
Utilizamos EL TIEMPO PASADO para decir situaciones ocurridas en el pasado y especificamos el momento.
So, we  use these words: yesterday,last night, last year, last day, last month, ago (I went to Ibiza two years ago: fui a Ibiza hace dos años) ,etc.
Por lo tanto, solemos utilizar estas palabras: ayer, anoche, el año pasado, el último día, el mes pasado, hace, etc.

HOW DO WE DO IT?  ¿Cómo lo hacemos?
**REGULAR VERBS:  We add -ED to the verb (añadimos -ED a nuestro verbo). Example: Infinitive To work (trabajar), Simple Past: worked (trabajé,trabajaba)

**IRREGULAR VERBS:  We have got a list with each form. Example: Infinitive: To come. Simple Past: came.  Infinitive: To go (ir) . Simple Past: went (fui, iba).  Infinitive: To feel (sentir) . Simple Past: Felt (sentí,sentía).

QUESTIONSDID + subject + verb :  Did you go to the party yesterday? ¿Fuiste a la fiesta ayer?
NEGATIVE PHRASES: subject + didn't + verb:  I didn't go to the gym last Tuesday. No fui al gimnasio el martes pasado.

PRESENT PERFECT/  Pretérito perfecto compuesto.
We use this tense to speak about an action happened in the past but we don't say exactly the moment.
Utilizamos este tiempo para hablar de una acción ocurrida en el pasado pero no decimos exactamente el momento.

HOW DO WE DO IT?  ¿Cómo lo hacemos?
It's a perfect tense so we will use the verb TO HAVE + a past participle.
Es un tiempo compuesto así que utilizaremos el verbo HABER + un participio pasado.

**AFFIRMATIVE PHRASES: subject + have + past participle > I have seen Indiana Jones twice: He visto Indiana Jones dos veces (pero no decimos CUANDO).
**QUESTIONS:   HAVE/HAS + subject + past participle. Have you gone to school? ¿Has ido al colegio?
**NEGATIVE PHRASES:   subject + haven't/hasn't + past participle> Lucy hasn't done her homework yet: Lucy no ha hecho todavía los deberes.

**Some words are used with Present Perfect: for (durante), since (desde), ever (alguna vez -en preguntas), before(antes), this week (esta semana)month/year.

SOME SENTENCES FOR YOU TO SEE / Algunas frases para que las veáis.

- Did you see Mary last week?  No, I didn't.
- Have you ever gone to Norway? Yes, I have.
- I changed my job last week.
- John didn't go to work last month, he was ill.

1.- ___________(you, read)  this book before?
2.- Yes, I __________(read) it last week.
3.- Do you know where Rachel is? She's at home. I _________ (see) her yesterday.
4.- _____________ (Peter,go, ever)  to Scotland? No, he__________.
5.- I __________(go) to seven different schools when I was a child.
6.- Ann __________(be) to a lot of parties this year.
7.- Joe __________(crash) his car four times since Easter.
8.- The weather ______(be) very hot last summer.
9.- This summer _________(be) nice and warm.
10.-She __________(never, learn) to drive.

EXERCISE 2.- WRITE IN THE BLANKS:  for/since/ago. 
FOR: durante (indica periodos de tiempo real) for eight hours:durante 8 horas.
SINCE: desde (indica momentos) Since my birthday: desde mi cumpleaños.
AGO: hace. Se coloca siempre al final de la frase. I went to China one year ago.

1.- We've lived in Madrid ______ 26 years.
2.- I've been working _____ four o'clock this morning.
3.- I haven't seen Michael ____ weeks.
4.- Mary phoned a few minutes _______.
5.- She has been a teacher _____ seventeen years.
6.- It has been raining ____ four days.
7.- I've only know him _____ yesterday.
8.- I first went to Africa about seven years _____.

What do you dream about?
Most of us dream for two hours each night and almost always about people: for 45 per cent of the time about people  we know and 55 per cent those that we do not.

Men are twice as likely to dream of men as of women and for both sexes only 30 per cent  of dreams about individual characters.

Apparently we rarely dream about people in the public eye but some 20 per cent of our dreams include our family.  Mothers appear 34 per cent of the time, fathers 27 per cent, brothers 14 per cent and sisters 12 per cent.  On the whole, the themes of our dreams tend towards the unhappy, with fear occuring in 40 per cent, anger in 18 per cent and sadness in 6 per cent.
                                                                      (from Vital Statistics by Gyles Brandreth)



1 have you read
2 read
3 saw
4 has Petr ever gone  /  hasn't
5 went
6 has been
7 hasn't crashed
8 was
9 has been
10 has never learnt

1 for
2 since
3 for
4 ago
5 for
6 for
7 since
8 ago